Hieronder Marjolein haar agenda voor online en in-persoon activiteiten in het Nederlands en Engels.

Scroll naar beneden om een beschrijving te zien van alle activiteiten:
◾️ Samen mediteren op dinsdag (Engels) – Online
◾️ Meditatiebijeenkomst – 11 Augustus 2024 (Engels) – Online
◾️ Insight Meditation Retreat “The Path of Insight” – September 2024 (Engels) – In Person

Boeddha in het bosGeorganiseerd door Insight Meditation Center

Voor wie: iedereen
Data: dinsdag 6 en 13 aug, 10 en 17 sept 2024
Tijd: 18.30 – 19.45u
Taal: Engels
Begeleiding: Marjolein Janssen
Kosten: dana (een gift)
Via: Zoom (online)
Zoom-link: zie de IMC agenda
Aanmelden: niet nodig, vrije inloop

Meer info:
Join us for a 35 minute lightly guided meditation, a short Dharma talk, and practice questions & discussion. The meditation instructions include the four foundations of mindfulness, emphasizing embodied receptive awareness, mind states, and mental activity. Our teachings draw on many of the Buddha’s teachings, and include the approach of Sayadaw U Tejaniya.

Vrouw mediteert onder een boom@ Bright Dharma

“Natural Awareness” Meditatiebijeenkomst
A dana (donation) based retreat.

Location: Online via Zoom
Marjolein Janssen
Date: Sunday, 11 August, 2024
Time: 16u – 22u, NL time (with a break to eat dinner; OK to leave earlier, for example during the short break half-way through the evening)
Suggested Donation: €15 – €150. All are welcome, no donation required. Your donations support to allow Marjolein to continue offering these teachings. Please give as feels appropriate and generous for you. Please delight in your generosity and know that the dharma continues to be offered to you and others through our collective acts of sharing. (No one will be turned away for lack of funds.)

The teachings of Sayadaw U Tejaniya (a Burmese monk and Vipassana teacher), are often refered to as the “open awarenes” or “natural awareness” method. During our time together we delve into this method of meditation, which includes mindfulness, curiosity, and receptivity. Let us gently shift our focus from striving for specific outcomes to welcoming the richness of each moment as it unfolds. Through cultivating open awareness, we invite ourselves to intimately connect with the present, acknowledging its joys and challenges with equanimity.

You have to play, play with awareness and the mind. Then it becomes very interesting. Use your know-how and wit. If meditation feels like a responsibility, it’ll just be a burden. Create your world. It’s a game called Master Mind.” ~ Sayadaw U Tejaniya

Registration: fill out the form.

@ Insight Meditation Community of Richmond (Virginia, USA)

“The Path of Insight”
A fully dana (donation) based retreat.

Location: Richmond, Virginia, USA
Marjolein Janssen
Date: September 4 – 8, 2024
Cost:  This retreat is offered freely, as a gift to those who attend—there is no cost. Donations by those who attend make it possible to pass this gift forward to others, so that these freely offered retreats can continue to be held in the future at IMCR.

We are delighted to hold our Fall Retreat at the Richmond Hill Retreat Center (RHRC), an urban oasis, located in the heart of historic Richmond, Virginia. Nestled atop Church Hill, the city’s highest point, Richmond Hill offers a serene sanctuary within the bustling urban landscape.

During our retreat at RHRC, we’ll be practicing sitting and walking meditation. There will also be meditation instructions, Dharma talks and a chance to discuss your practice with the teacher. The retreat is suitable for beginning as well as experienced meditators. Beginners are asked to familiarize themselves with Vipassana meditation on the page for beginners on our website.

At the heart of our exploration during this retreat lies the Satipatthana Sutta, a cornerstone teaching attributed to the Buddha. This profound discourse outlines the Four Establishments of Mindfulness, guiding us to cultivate a deep awareness of the body, feeling tones, mind, and phenomena.

More information and registration: imcrva.org