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Below are Dharma talks offered by Marjolein Janssen at various Dharma Centers, like the Insight Meditation Community of Richmond (IMCR) and Insight Meditation Center (IMC) in Redwood City, CA. 

Talks given at Insight Meditation Center

Marjolein Janssen
Various dates

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Compassion (Karuna)

Marjolein Janssen

Compassion is often experienced as a quivering of the heart when confronted with suffering, accompanied by the urge to alleviate it. It is a warm, accepting and even loving quality of heart and mind that is distinct from pity. While pity can cause us to suffer, compassion enables us to be fully present for the suffering of others without becoming overwhelmed by it or losing ourselves in it.

Nature as a Support for Practice

Marjolein Janssen

In his teachings, the Buddha urged his followers to practice in nature. Indeed, nature can serve as a valuable ally in our spiritual practice, offering a profound source of support. Immersing ourselves in nature’s tranquil surroundings can have a calming effect on our minds and bodies, helping us to unwind and release the stresses of daily life. 

Equanimity (Upekkha)

Marjolein Janssen

Equanimity (upekkha) is one of the four brahmaviharas, or heavenly abodes. It can be cultivated through the Buddhist equanimity meditation. In this talk more information on equanimity and how we can cultivate this wholesome state of being. 

Sympathetic Joy (Mudita)

Marjolein Janssen

Sympathetic joy (mudita) is one of the four brahmaviharas, or heavenly abodes. It can be cultivated through the Buddhist mudita meditation. In this talk more information on mudita and how we can cultivate this wholesome state of being. 

Goodness and Suffering

Marjolein Janssen

In this talk the invitation to open to the truths of both goodness and suffering; in ourselves, in others and in the world.

Guided Meditation: Holding Suffering

Marjolein Janssen
@ Desert Dharma

In this guided meditation we will hold our suffering from a place of kindness and goodness.

Guided Meditation: Tuning into Kindness

Marjolein Janssen
@ Desert Dharma

In this guided meditation we will tune into our the kindness and goodness that we all have inside.

Things Should be Different Than They Are

Marjolein Janssen

Underlying much of our suffering is this pattern or belief that “things should be different than they are”. In this talk an exploration of this pattern and how to work with it from a Buddhist perspective.

Loving Kindness (Metta)

Marjolein Janssen

Metta, loving kindness, is a quality of heart and mind that we can cultivate. In this talk more information on this beautiful state of being and how we can grow and develop it through intention and practice.

Developing Calmness and Relaxation

Marjolein Janssen

Calmness, relaxation, concentration, collectedness etc. are wholesome states of mind. In this talk some Buddhist viewpoints on the topic, as well as some tools to cultivate these qualities.

Teachings on Old age, Sickness and Death

Marjolein Janssen

The Buddha’s teachings on Old age, Sickness and Death can be profound and have the potential to liberate us. They are not meant to depress us, but to invigorate us to practice. 

The Benefits of Walking Meditation

Marjolein Janssen

The Buddha’s teachings on Walking Meditation.

Aware of the Six Sense Doors

Marjolein Janssen

In vipassana meditation we open up to experience at all six sense doors (the five physical senses and the mind). Why do we do that, and how?

Balancing Effort (Part 2)

Marjolein Janssen

How much effort do we need, and how to work with over-efforting and with not applying enough effort.

Balancing Effort (Part 1)

Marjolein Janssen

How does effort get out of balance, and how to work with over-efforting?

Woman leans against wall while listening to a Dharma Talk